Collagen Induction Therapy (Dermaroller™) Las Vegas
For years, Hollywood's elite secretly used The Medical Dermaroller™ to fade stretch marks, acne scars, sun damage and wrinkles.

It's completely natural and non-invasive. So there's no downtime or risk of side effects.
Best of all, your results look so natural and lasts so long, people think you always had that youthful smooth skin.
How does The Medical Dermaroller™ work?
The Medical Dermaroller™ uses hundered of micro needles to penetrate your skin. After applying a topical anesthetic, your doctor rolls The Medical Dermaroller™ onto your target area. This triggers cell growth. The reaction "fills" these micro holes with new collagen and elastin.

What does The Medical Dermaroller™ Treat?
It's ideal for any region on your body where you'd like to:
- Reduce Wrinkles
- Fill scars from acne and chicken pox
- Shrink large pores
- Reduce certain scars from surgery or burns
- Even skin pigmentation
- Fade stretch marks
- Tighten sagging skin
- Normalize oily skin
- Smooth skin texture in trouble regions like arms and buttocks

How quickly can I see results
You see results within 2-3 days after treatment. Because collagen production occurs naturally and at the cellular level, your sking continues looking smoother and firmer up to 8 weeks after treatment. Improvements can last up to two years with regular use of the Dermaroller™ Home Kit.
For more information on Dermaroller™, contact Dr. Mogler directly by calling (702) 219-7778.